
On-Site Engineering, Inc. is familiar with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) wetland section, including the new stormwater regulations, the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) section, the Department of Health (DOH) drinking water section, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) Physical Alterations Permits (PAP) as well as subdivision and site planning regulations and application procedures of many area municipalities. The following relevant experience is broken down by both commercial and residential site planning, RIDEM wetlands permitting, RIDEM OWTS permitting, DOH public well permitting and road/drainage design.

Commercial and Residential Site Planning

Valenti Toyota Expansion, Westerly: Engineering services were provided for site planning design to support a 30,000 square foot car dealership building and expansion of the parking lot, as well as integrating an existing building to support a second car dealership. Drainage computations conducted in order to design underground infiltration facilities to control peak runoff. A portion of the parking lot involved the design of permeable asphalt to reduce impervious area and promote infiltration. Two septic systems were designed to support both buildings. The entrances and exits were revised and required a commercial physical alteration permit from RIDOT. This project required obtaining permits from RIDEM wetlands, RIDEM UIC, RIDEM OWTS, RIDOT and the local municipality. On-Site Engineering, Inc. provided construction administration and inspection services as well as developed as-built drawings that were submitted to the Town.

Valenti Site

Small to Medium Sized Residential Projects: Provided engineering services for numerous residential projects throughout Westerly, Charlestown, Hopkinton, South Kingstown, Narragansett, Stonington, North Stonington and Groton. Projects included minor subdivisions, administrative subdivisions and both single family and multi-family residential site development projects. Permitting included CRMC, RIDEM wetlands and OWTS and RIDOT PAP applications.

Charlestown Package Store, Charlestown: Engineering services were provided for a site plan design to support a new package store and detached retail store. A site design included a parking lot design with a focus on turning radii to provide adequate off-street parking. The access driveways were re-configured to safely access and exit the site. On-Site Engineering, Inc. also designed a de-nitrification septic system to support the proposed commercial use. Drainage calculations were performed to design the stormwater treatment and collection systems. The drainage design incorporated pervious pavers to promote infiltration and reduce runoff. The project required obtaining permits from RIDOT, RIDEM and the local municipality.


Dunns Corner Market, Westerly: Engineering services were provided for a site plan design to expand a parking area that would support an existing deli and market. On-Site Engineering, Inc. performed drainage calculations and sized an underground infiltration system to handle runoff from the expanded parking lot. Details and specifications were developed in order for the owner's contractor to construct the parking lot and drainage system. The project required obtaining permits from RIDOT for the proposed curb cut onto the state highway and RIDEM office of water resources for the drainage system.

Cedar Hollow-Commercial Site Plan, Hopkinton: Engineering services were provided for a site plan design to support a 12,000 square foot office/retail building located in Hopkinton, Rhode Island. The site design included a parking lot design with a focus on turning radii to provide adequate off-street parking. To support the retail/office complex, parking was proposed in the front and rear of the building. The building uses were supported by an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS). Drainage provisions included grassed swales, infiltration trenches and an underground infiltration system. The project received Master Plan approval and involved permit coordination with RIDEM wetlands, OWTS and the RIDOT for the proposed curb cuts onto Route 3 and Wellstown Road.

RIDEM-Wetland Permitting

Meadow Brook Golf Course

Meadow Brook Golf Course, Richmond: On-Site Engineering, Inc. provided professional engineering services for the expansion of Meadow Brook Golf Course located in Richmond, Rhode Island. Engineering services were provided to determine the 100-year flood elevation of Meadow Brook. The proposed project included a road crossing over Meadow Brook. On-Site Engineering, Inc. also provided engineering support for a roadway and drainage design. Design drawings, profiles and details were developed for permitting and construction purposes. Drainage computations were performed and incorporated a bio retention area and extended detention basin to control peak runoff and discharge to Meadow Brook from the proposed roadway. The bio-retention area was designed in accordance with the Rhode Island Stormwater Regulations (December 2010). This project required extensive permitting with RIDEM wetlands and the local municipality.

Re-Development Plan - Aqua Star Motel, Westerly: On-Site Engineering, Inc. provided professional engineering services for the re-development of the Aqua Star Motel that was destroyed in a July 2010 fire. The project involved re-development of parking areas and access driveways, construction of 6 buildings to replace the 36 units destroyed and drainage and utility improvements. Site improvements consisted of modifying existing parking and driveway areas and regrading inorder to utilize smaller drainage areas. Drainage improvements consisted of incorporating grassed swales, infiltration basins, level spreader and a pre-cast concrete, underground infiltration system in order to provide provisions for low impact development. The project also involved writing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) and maintenance plan as part of the wetland permit.

Aqua Star Motel

Westerly gravel wet vegetated treatment system

Town of Westerly - Design of a Gravel WVTS: On-Site Engineering, Inc. was contracted by the Town of Westerly to analyze the contributing drainage area in order to design a gravel wet vegetated treatment system (WVTS). The design included wetland flagging, a boundary/topographic survey and preparation of design plans and specifications inorder to construct the WVTS. The impervious area contributing to the WVTS is approximately 28,000 square feet and is primarily associated with roadway runoff. This design project was part of a RIDEM grant and involved a presentation to the water quality committee. The design was expeditiously completed in a two month period in order for the Town of Westerly to meet the deadline of set in place by the grant.

RIDEM-OWTS Permitting

Numerous Residential and Commercial Projects: Provided engineering services for numerous residential and commercial projects throughout Westerly, Charlestown, Hopkinton, South Kingstown, Narragansett, Stonington and North Stonington. Projects included both conventional septic system as well as innovative/alternative systems in areas of high water tables. Permitting included CRMC, RIDEM wetlands and OWTS and RIDOT PAP applications.

Septic System

Indian Health Services, Narragansett Indian Tribe-Statewide: On-Site Engineering, Inc. currently provides professional engineering consulting services for the Narragansett Indian Tribe throughout the southern Rhode Island in designing new septic systems on currently developed residential properties.

Town of South Kingstown, Senior Center: Engineering services were provided for the design and permitting of an OWTS for an expansion of the senior center located on Post Road in South Kingstown. The design involved a bottomless sand filter and permitting with the RIDEM OWTS section.

Rhode Island Department of Health-Public Well Permitting

Chariho Southern Baptist Church, Bradford: Engineering services were provided for the permitting and construction of a public well to support an existing church. On-Site Engineering, Inc. was responsible for developing a well radius map to identify land uses of the surrounding area. This project involved permitting with the Rhode Island Department of Health.

Public Well Permitting: Engineering services were provided to support numerous public well applications with the Department of Health, including trouble shooting, inspecting existing wells and modifying and retrofitting the well systems to meet DOH's regulations and increasing water quality standards. Projects include, the Charlestown Package Store, the Nordic Lodge Restaurant, the Surfside Motel, the Ninigret Inn and the Cove Restaurant.

Road, Drainage and Utility Design

Maple Court Subdivision, Hopkinton: Engineering services were provided for the road and drainage design of a proposed three lot subdivision. On-Site Engineering, Inc. designed approximately 500 linear feet of roadway with a cul-de-sac, with both meeting the Town of Hopkinton's road and drainage standards. Drainage computations were performed in order to design a detention facility meeting town standards and adequately receive runoff from the proposed roadway.

South Hill Subdivision, Westerly: Engineering services were provided for the road and drainage design of a proposed nineteen lot subdivision. Approximately 1,900 linear feet of roadway and cul-de-sac was designed to meet the Town of Westerly's road and drainage standards. Drainage computations were conducted and incorporated into the design of a detention facility to receive runoff from the proposed roadway.

South Hill Subdivision

Sylvan Lane Road Reconstruction, Westerly: Provided engineering services for the re-construction of approximately 700 feet of an existing gravel roadway. Developed design drawings, profiles and details for bidding and construction purposes. Responsible for the design of an underground infiltration system to handle the runoff associated with the roadway. The drainage system required approval from the RIDEM UIC program.

Sylvan Lane